earthfall ps4

Four-Player Cooperative Shooter Earthfall Coming to PS4 This Spring

Earlier today, developers Holospark announced that their four-player cooperative survival first-person shooter Earthfall will be launching for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC later this Spring. You can check out a new trailer for the game below, showcasing some of the story and giving us a good look at the alien presence you’ll be fighting.

Earthfall - Console Announcement Trailer

While the game is available on Steam Early Access, Holospark CEO Russell Williams said that the game has received such praise on PC that it was time to let console players in on the fun. “Now it’s time to bring Earthfall to completion, along with making it available to Xbox One and PS4 players. We think players on all three platforms are going to be stunned by the game’s amazing 4K visuals, and will find themselves unable to tear themselves away from the cooperative sci-fi-themed gameplay.”

In Earthfall, players will have to use team-based tactics in order to fortify various holdouts throughout the city, while also completing objectives. Of course, aliens are all around you and not too happy with the thought of you surviving, so you’ll be fighting those as well. The game is set to feature a full story mode and much more, according to Holospark.

For more on the upcoming game, check out some its features below:

• Cooperative Survival For up to Four Players – Team up with friends to survive the alien infestation. Robust multiplayer support and A.I. teammates stand ready to ensure a full team at any time regardless of available players

• Build Your Defenses – Strategically deploy barricades to block the enemy hordes and install turrets anywhere to create perfect alien killing zones

• Multiple Campaigns – Each campaign tells a story across several missions, allowing players to dive in and experience diverse settings and mission types across the Pacific Northwest

• Close Encounters of the Brutal Kind – Deadly aliens come in all shapes and sizes, from massive drones armies attacking in waves to towering behemoths spitting plasma, every experience is different, each time you play

• Battle Unpredictable Enemies – Earthfall features a dynamic spawn system providing a constant set of new challenges lurking behind every corner

• An Unfolding Story – Every campaign reveals new content and secrets behind the world of Earthfall and the cataclysmic alien invasion

Earthfall will launch sometime in Spring 2018.

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