Earlier today, Bandai Namco revealed that the upcoming One Piece: World Seeker will take place on Jail Island. The island, once known as Jewel Island due to its minerals, has since given way to Robbers, Pirates, and other Invaders, causing the World Government to step in and reclaim order. When the game starts, players will arrive at the island and have to uncover a dark secret that seems to be taking over the island.
In other World Seeker news, here are some of the newly confirmed One Piece World Seeker locations (translation via ShonenGamez, who have a scan of the magazine):
- Saloon – Where the pirates and other ruffians like to gather. Might be a good spot to gather information?
- Mines – Here you can find beautiful dungeons filled with adventure and treasure in equal parts!
- Broadcasting Tower – These towers give off broadcasts but they are unusually large.
- Downtown – To think you can even run around an environment like this!? And look, Nami is here too!
- Valley – With lush greens as far as the eye can see, the valley is a great spot to take in the sights.
- Fortress – This looks like an exact copy of Impel Down, the great prison! It’s a completely modern looking facility with machines all over! What in the world is going on here?
Here’s how publisher Bandai Namco describes the new One Piece World Seeker gameplay screens:
Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates are back in a brand new experience that puts players in Luffy’s sandals as they battle and explore an expansive new world filled with castles, farms, cities, beaches and more. ONE PIECE World Seeker captures the spirit of the beloved series and lets ONE PIECE fans and new players swing into action and experience Luffy’s powerful gum-gum abilities, including the gum-gum rocket, elephant gatling and gum-gum UFO.
One Piece World Seeker is set to launch sometime in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.