Battlefield 5 Airborne Mode coming

EA and Dice Tease a Battlefield V Airborne Mode

That’s right, for the past several weeks we’ve been teased with so many Battlefield V teasers and now it looks as though we’ll be getting even more teasers about teasers. All joking aside, today EA and DICE have unveiled some tidbits regarding a multiplayer mode that’s coming to the multiplatform shooter, Battlefield V.

They’re calling it the Airborne Mode and it will see players parachuting into the thick of combat by plane. Apparently, this won’t be yet another battle royale thing. Contrary to that, this mode is going to offer objective-based attack/defend mechanics.

We do not have any more details on this, other than the following tweet:

Okay, so both EA and DICE seem very eager to spill as much beans as they can about Battlefield V, before the E3 2018 festivities kick off.

We recently learned that Battlefield V will include microtransactions for cosmetic items only. In the meantime, check out the trailer for Battlefield V.

The game is officially going to be released on October 13 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Battlefield V Twitter]