shadow of the tomb raider trailer

E3 2018: Check Out the Latest Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trailer

Toward the latter half of the Microsoft E3 2018 Briefing, Square Enix released a brand new trailer for the upcoming Shadow of the Tomb Raider, revealing even more about the story for the upcoming game and giving us a good look at some of the more exotic and unique locales that Lara will visit when the game launches in September.

Judging by the trailer, Shadow of the Tomb Raider will indeed feature a much darker story for Lara, and from the looks of the gameplay, she’ll have a much harder time making her way through the world than in any past game. More information about the game will likely release this week, but if you want some more news on the game, check the tag linked above for everything we know about the new game, and in the meantime, let us know below if you’re excited about the upcoming adventure game.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider will release on September 14, 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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