The Last of Us Part 2 Animation

The Last of Us Part 2 Gameplay and Animation Analysis, Pushing Things Forward

After all the talk surrounding the E3 2018, it appears that everyone’s been focusing on how the show left a lot to be desired this year. In all fairness, we did at least get a few good showcases, not the least of which was Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us Part II demo. Now, if you want to learn more about the E3 presentation, check out our The Last of Us Part II preview.

Following the show, Naughty Dog revealed quite a lot of details about the upcoming stealth-flavored action adventure. For example, we’ve recently been told that the sequel will have Ellie as the only playable character in the game (unlike the original which allowed players to play as both Ellie and Joel).

Today, the folks at Digit Foundry have analysed the gameplay footage from The Last of Us Part II and made an in-depth examination of what the developer Naughty Dog is currently doing in order to push the technology further.

As you can see in the video above, one of the most impressive things in the E3 gameplay footage was Ellie’s movement, and how the character model reacts to all the action that’s going on around her. In other words, some truly impressive things were done to improve the animation, motion capture and the process of making all the characters look and move more naturally.

[Source: Digital Foundry]