Destiny 2 crucible 3x valor weekend

PSA: Get 3x Valor Rank in Destiny 2’s Crucible This Weekend

Earlier this year, Bungie implemented a ranking system into Destiny 2’s Crucible. The PvP ranking includes two sides, Valor for general Crucible quickplay, and Glory for the competitive playlist. While Glory is the ranking score that can be won or lost in competitive matches, making the grind unbearably punishing at times, Valor is a measure of time and commitment to the Crucible, with no loss penalties.

This weekend, while Glory is still going to be a grind, Destiny 2 will feature triple Valor rewards. Playing in any Valor-Supported playlists will grant 3x more rank points than you would normally get, including the win streak multiplier. If you’ve been putting off playing Crucible, earning ornaments, and ranking up Valor, now is the time to do so.

The 3x Valor weekend runs from 10 am Pacific on Friday July 6, until weekly reset at 10 am Pacific on Tuesday, July 10. 3x Valor can also be earned in the Mayhem playlist, which is active this weekend. Mayhem decreases Super and ability recharge times, while dropping plenty of power ammo to make the mode live up to its name. Just watch out for the fun police, guardians who use suppression effects that can pull you out of your Super. It’s always a buzzkill to be headed for an excellent Striker slam, only to be pulled out of it by a cleverly hidden tether.

The Destiny 2 Crucible 3x Valor weekend comes just a week and a half before Bungie plans to revamp the PvP ranking system, making it less punishing to players and allowing more avenues to earn Valor. The triple weekend could be their way of tiding players over in the wait for the better system to be implemented with Update 1.2.3.

Destiny 2’s next expansion is Forsaken, and a lot of information has been coming out as we head towards its September release. All nine of the new Supers have been detailed, we’ve talked about Cayde-6’s death and how Uldren is a perfect villain, and we even got our hands on Gambit, the exciting new PvP/PvE hybrid mode. We also know more about Collections coming with Destiny 2: Forsaken, and learned details about Bungie raising the Power level cap to 400 this summer ahead of Forsaken’s release.

Will you be increasing your rank with the Destiny 2 3x Valor weekend? How many times have you reset your Valor this season? Let us know your Crucible history in the comments below.

[Source: Bungie]