street fighter 5 extra battle costumes

Ryu as Jin Saotome and Mech Abigail are Street Fighter V’s Next Extra Battle Costumes

A couple of new costumes, one original and one based on an old school Capcom property, are coming soon to Extra Battle mode in Street Fighter V. Of course, the costumes will also be available to purchase if you don’t want to fight to earn them in Extra Battle. From December 21, 2018 to January 17, 2019, Extra Battle will feature Mech Abigail (the latest in a series), and after that a Jin Saotome (Cyberbots, last seen in playable capacity in Marvel vs Capcom 2 or, arguably, Project X Zone) costume for Ryu.

Mech Abigail is the latest in a line of Mech costumes for various characters, which so far has included Zangief, F.A.N.G., and Juri. Ryu’s Jin Saotome costume is a crossover from the aforementioned Cyberbots, and players will also be able to unlock Cyberbots background music via Extra Battle. Also as a reminder, through December 27 the following past Extra Battle costumes are also available to earn:

  • Viewtiful Joe for Rashid (Viewtiful Joe)
  • June for Chun-Li (Star Gladiator)
  • Captain Commando for Nash (Captain Commando)
  • Nameless Super Soldier for Guile (Forgotten Worlds)
  • Fiona for Cammy (Haunting Ground)

That’s not all of the fun costume stuff Capcom has going on. Starting tomorrow, December 11, Capcom will also hold a sale on 11 DLC bundles. The costume bundles are the following:

  • Capcom Legends (6 costumes, $9.99)
  • 2017 Holiday Costumes (4 costumes, $5.99)
  • Story Costumes (32 costumes, $19.99)
  • Stage Bundle (17 stages, $19.99)
  • Professional Costumes (10 costumes, $14.99)
  • Sports Costumes (6 costumes, $9.99)
  • School Costumes (9 costumes, $14.99)
  • 2017 Halloween and Holiday Costumes (9 costumes, $9.99)
  • Nostalgia Costumes (15 costumes, $19.99)
  • Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Costumes (4 costumes, $9.99)
  • Akiman Chun-Li (7 costumes, $14.99)

As a closing reminder, tomorrow also marks the start date of a Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition free trial that will runs through December 19.

[Source: Capcom Unity]


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