A Fishermans Tale Release Date

A Fisherman’s Tale Reels Us In With a Release Date

A Fisherman’s Tale, a multi-dimensional, puzzle-filled adventure game announced back in November 2018, will launch on January 22, 2019 on the PlayStation VR, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Windows Mixed Reality. The initial announcement focused on gameplay. It involved controlling a model and the real world simultaneously as each action done in the model was replicated in real life. This time around, the hook is the game’s surprisingly deep narrative.

Immerse yourself in this 360-degree video, which I recommend you view on your phone. (It may look better that way.)

Attempting to replicate and live up to his father’s passion and drive, this Fisherman pushed himself and his boat to the limits. The result was a shipwreck that left him traumatized. He resigned himself to living in the old lighthouse, hoping to recover mentally while trying to forget his failures and everything else in his life.

Plunging into what seems like a depression, the fisherman turned to building models to occupy his time and his mind. He created a replica of his boat, then the lighthouse he lived in. He even made a small, puppet version of himself inside the model. But as he dove deeper into what became an obsessive hobby, he woke up one day to find that the puppet was actually him. The build-up is surprisingly moving and the narration is soothing. Overall, it’s an excellent invitation into what seems like a risky gameplay premise. We’ll see if it pays off.

In A Fisherman’s Tale, the only one who can help you is you, literally and figuratively. Find your true reality in virtual reality when the game launches January 22, 2019.

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