Tiny Metal’s Latest Update Let’s Players Go Head-to-Head Online

TINY METAL Patch 1.1.0 Update [English]

Japanese turn-based strategy game Tiny Metal just got a surprisingly beefy update. Publisher UNTIES and developer AREA35 revealed that Tiny Metal is finally getting an online multiplayer mode, as well as a new story chapter! Tiny Metal is also half-off on the PlayStation Store until January 8, 2019. Check out the new update trailer above.

Hiroaki Yura, of AREA 35, made the following statement about the update:

Tiny Metal already delivers a great single player experience with deep, nostalgia-inducing gameplay reminiscent of Advance Wars. Now we’re taking it a step further, enhancing what’s already there while opening it up to the new opportunities for fun and strategy that can only come from playing against another human being.

For returning players, the additional story content is pretty significant. A new act, Act V, has been added to the game, which contains six new missions. The trailer teases a few twists along the way, so it might be time to dust Tiny Metal off and jump back in.

Returning players should also be aware that this update contains a pretty long list of balancing changes, some of which change the way heroes are deployed. Here’s a quick rundown of all of the balancing changes in the latest update:

  • Allow all unit types to perform Explore action
  • Expand radar cover of Radar and Phased Array Radar units by 1
  • Make Radar and Phased Array Radar more affordable
  • Prevent air units from performing Assault
  • Make deploying Heroes cost funds
  • Make healing units cost funds
  • Do not auto-heal units sitting on cities
  • Make Riflemen units do slightly more damage to Metals
  • Add radar range to MegaMetal Hero

If you’ve been looking to scratch that turn-based strategy itch, Tiny Metal is more feature-complete than it’s ever been, and under $20 until mid-January, so check it out!

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