The Boundless Empires Update Will Let Players Organize Massive Guilds

Boundless is about to get much more social. Developer Wonderstruck shared an update about the forthcoming Boundless Empires update, which is going to add many player-requested features to the game. The biggest addition by far will be the guild system, which will offer even more incentives for players to play together with their friends. If you’re bummed about Minecraft development ending for the Vita, remote playing Boundless with your buds is going to be the next best thing.

Wonderstruck Community Lead Sam Faulkner said,

It’s a vast, complicated system, but the broad strokes of it are that groups of players can now be formally brought together in a guild. This guild will then control its own resources, with different levels of authority attainable within the group. Prestige will be built up for the whole group through the actions of its members, and beacons or settlements can be assigned to a guild too.

When you first join a group, you’ll come on as an “operative.” The chain of command extends upward to the position of Director, who we assume will have authority over how resources are used. Wonderstruck is envisioning a system that encourages massive cooperative builds, guild hunts, and player-organized social and political events. This is going to be the hottest watering hole since Club Penguin.

We weren’t given a release date for the Empires update, but a quick look at the official Boundless news page reveals that guild and messaging functionalities have been live on the test realms on Steam for a few weeks, so we expect the update on PS4 in the very near future. Stay tuned.