anthem merchandise

Numskull Debuts Its Line of Official Anthem Merchandise

Numskull’s at it again. The company, which is apparently set on creating deals with every major video game out there, announced its newest partnership. Its latest line of merchandise comes from BioWare’s newest IP, the highly-anticipated Anthem. With this new line, you’ll be perfectly suited up when you enter your Javelin.

The line is currently small, featuring only four items. However, as Anthem is a new IP, there’s the potential to expand the line if the game takes off (pardon the pun). Right now, though, the items available are pretty stylish. For those of you who like to show off your video game love more outwardly, you can get your hands on the official Anthem T-shirt and snapback.

However, if you’re more of a low-key kind of video game enthusiast, there’s something for you too. Be sure to keep an eye on the keychain, so while you’ll always have something Anthem on you, it won’t be upfront. Of course, as with any respectable video game merchandise line, there’s a coffee mug you can buy, too.

Numskull is certainly prepping for a big 2019. It recently announced a line of merchandise tied to another high-profile game, Resident Evil 2. It’s also got merchandise based on almost every property imaginable, from Fallout to DestinyAnthem, which marks a huge departure for Bioware, is quickly approaching its February 22nd release date. The line is releasing around the same time, but it’s up for preorder now.

Are you planning on getting any of this merchandise? Is there something you’d like to see added? Let us know!

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