resident evil 2 stats

Resident Evil 2 Stats Show a Vast Majority of Players Choose to Play as Leon First

Millions of players the world over are making their way through Capcom’s newly launched reimagining of Resident Evil 2. It appears many have enabled data tracking for, which compiles worldwide player stats in one convenient place. An interesting bit of information to emerge from this data is the number of people who have chosen to play as Leon for their first Resident Evil 2 playthrough. Currently, 79% of players have explored RE2 with Leon first.

Of course, because not everyone selects their data to be tracked, the website’s numbers are not completely accurate. Regardless, they offer a pretty sound estimate. As to why Leon seems favored amongst players does serve as one mystery, though. Perhaps some merely start with him because his name appears first on the menu screen? It’s anyone’s guess, at this point.

A few other intriguing stats appear on, as well. For instance, Leon has been “played” over two million times, compared to the one million for Claire Redfield. Of these numbers, nearly 600,000 players have “cleared” a playthrough with Leon; close to 350,000 have done the same with Claire.

In addition, miscellaneous stats are featured on the website. Therefore, it also tracks things like the Tyrant’s stalking distance, the number of cockroaches triggered, details about puzzle solving intricacies, weapon use, and much more. Yes, it can get that granular. Who doesn’t want to know that Leon’s kill-death ration presently sits at 9.4?

All of this information is bound to become more fascinating as Resident Evil 2 continues to move units. Capcom reported that in its first week alone, RE2 shipped over three million copies worldwide. This detail from the company surfaced after news of RE2‘s debuting at the top of UK sales charts went live. Hopes are high that such success means Capcom will eventually announce plans to remake Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.

Resident Evil 2 is in stores now for the PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

[Source: via PC Gamer]