guerrilla games next game

Guerrilla Games Is Apparently Hiring for a Multiplayer-Centric Project

We know Guerrilla Games is working on something, though it’s been shrouded in secrecy ever since Horizon Zero Dawn released back in 2017. However, a recently-discovered job listing may suggest that at least part of whatever the Sony-owned studio is working on will have a key multiplayer component.

The job listing is for work on an “unannounced title.” While the job itself is for a Java-focused role, it’s the job details that have gotten people talking.

Here are some key points in the listing:

  • You will build a robust backend that can scale up to serve many concurrent users
  • You will work on systems like matchmaking, tournaments, clans and leaderboards
  • You will work on systems to test and deploy a new server set without downtime
  • You will integrate the game servers with the PlayStation Network and other third party services

It definitely looks like something Guerrilla has planned will involved multiplayer. Back in 2018, the developer hired some talent who worked on the multiplayer-centric Rainbow Six: Siege, hinting that Guerrilla was cooking up a multiplayer project. Those announcements came off the heels of a massive expansion. Rumors have also persisted that Guerrilla split into two teams, though that remains unconfirmed.

If Guerrilla is indeed beefing up for a multiplayer game, the question is now what kind of game it will be. It’s been presumed that the studio is working on a Horizon Zero Dawn sequel, though nothing has been officially announced yet. Could that have a multiplayer component to it? It seems unlikely, but anything’s possible. We haven’t seen a new Killzone game since Killzone: Shadow Fall launched with the PlayStation 4. A multiplayer-centric game from Guerrilla definitely screams Killzone, but maybe the studio would rather launch a new IP instead.

We likely won’t learn about this unannounced title for a while; there’s even a possibility this could be a PS5 title. First-party Sony games haven’t really dabbled in multiplayer, especially as of late, so this could be the first sign of a new push for Sony Interactive Entertainment.

[Source: ResetEra]