infinity ward statement

Infinity Ward Says It Wanted to Make Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

A few days ago, former Call of Duty developer and Sledgerhammer Games Co-founder Michael Condrey shared concerns about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in an interview. Condrey told VentureBeat that, from his perspective, it seemed as though Activision may be pushing Infinity Ward to be “more controversial and ‘darker’ for the sake of headlines.” Infinity Ward has since responded to Condrey’s words, telling its Twitter followers that no one at Activision is pushing the studio to do anything it doesn’t want to do.

The studio’s Twitter post is featured below:

Based on many of the replies to the above tweet, this assurance from Infinity Ward seems a relief for fans who may have began feeling concern of their own following Condrey’s statements. Interestingly, it wasn’t only the publisher’s role in development that Condrey questioned during the VentureBeat interview.

In addition, he voiced worry over the reported “pretty disturbing” aspects of the behind-closed-doors gameplay from E3. Condrey last worked on a Modern Warfare entry (2011’s Modern Warfare 3) prior to tragic events such as Sandy Hook and Christchurch. Thus, the supposed realism with which Infinity Ward will convey the atrocities of violence and warfare leaves him “conflicted.” The studio’s tweet did not respond to Condrey’s words on this particular topic.

Perhaps Infinity Ward continues to hold its cards close because it wants audiences to judge for themselves, which may come sooner rather than later. After all, a gameplay reveal of some sort is right around the corner, according to the game’s Art Director, Joel Emslie.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will hit store shelves later this year on October 25th for the PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One platforms.

[Source: Infinity Ward on Twitter]

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