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Respawn Details Apex Legends Season 2 Battle Pass Challenges Ahead of Launch

Respawn Entertainment has provided an overview of Apex Legends Season 2 Battle Pass challenges, which will kick off on Tuesday, July 2nd. The developer has promised a balance between variety and fun, with a better system to level up your Battle Pass.

There will be daily and weekly challenges, with a set of three challenges that reset every week regardless of whether players complete them or not. They are designed to make progression easier.

Official details provided by Respawn are as follows:

Daily Challenges

Each day, you will receive three new Daily Challenges chosen randomly from a pool of over two hundred. These challenges range from “Deal 200 Damage in Bunker” to “Play 1 game as Lifeline” and are intended to be achievable in a short play session. Complete your daily challenge and earn 3,000 STARS each.

Weekly Challenges

Each week, you will receive a set of seven new Weekly Challenges. These challenges are intended to take several play sessions to complete and range from “Get 20 Kills as Gibraltar, Bangalore, or Mirage” to “Loot 100 Epic items.” Four of the Weekly Challenges are worth 6,000 STARS each (24,000 STARS total) and three of the Weekly Challenges grant an entire Battle Pass level each upon completion.

Weekly Resetting Challenges

Each week, you’ll have an additional set of three special resetting Weekly Challenges. These are the same every week and refresh even if you haven’t completed them. Keep a careful eye on these to make maximum Battle Pass progress.

– Complete five Daily Challenges – Rewards one Battle Pass level

– Complete 10 Daily Challenges – Rewards one Battle Pass level

– Earn 9,000 STARS and/or match XP – Rewards one Battle Pass level

  • This quest may be repeated an unlimited number of times each week.
  • Each completion increases the STARS and/or match XP required for the next by 9,000, up to a maximum of 54,000. You need 9,000 for the first level, 18,000 for the second level, etc. This challenge resets to 9,000 each week.

For more on Apex Legends, check out our review.

[Source: EA]

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