No Mans Sky Community Donations

No Man’s Sky Subreddit Community Donated PS4s to the Randwick Children’s Hospital

Earlier in 2019, No Man’s Sky fans successfully launched a GoFundMe campaign that raised over $3,300 to purchase a “thank you” billboard for developer Hello Games. Now, the community is giving back even more. With the leftover money from the campaign and contributions by other members, the No Man’s Sky subreddit community has donated PS4 consoles and a ton of games to Randwick Children’s Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

72 items in total were donated to the hospital, with a copy of No Man’s Sky in every console to celebrate the launch of No Man’s Sky Beyond. The Reddit user leading the charge, thegiftofgaming, was given a certificate as a thank you from the hospital staff. Check out images of the delivery below:

The Reddit user posted a thread describing the experience. After meeting with the hospital staff and taking a tour of the facilities, the PR manager explained that public support is very important and that the hospital relies on donations.

After this, the Reddit user said:

If you are in a position to help you should sling a few dollars to your local children’s hospital, or you could go out and buy new games and toys to donate to them. Better yet, pressure your dang governments to properly fund and uphold your medical infrastructure!

For those who want to donate, you can do so at

Thegiftofgaming also added a special thanks to some involved with the donations:

Special thanks to LSN, TBONE, GalacticHunter, DrStarman, the 10th letter, Court, Corey and Brooklyn. There were many other people who helped this along the way, thank you.

Looking ahead to the future of No Man’s Sky and its community, excitement is generating surrounding the release of Beyond, the game’s VR expansion (among a ton of other really cool updates, including expanded multiplayer and more). This free update will be available on August 14, 2019, but it won’t be the last one of its scope and size as Hello Games continues to support No Man’s Sky.

What do you think of the generosity from the No Man’s Sky community? Let us know!

[Source: Reddit]