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Destiny 2 Servers Down on All Platforms, Bungie Working on a Resolution (Update)

Update (9:10 pm PST): All services are now restored and Bungie doesn’t expect players to encounter any additional issues.

Update (7:08 pm PST): Downtime has been extended through 8 pm PST.

Update (6:33 pm PST): Bungie has identified the problem causing today’s issues and is deploying a fix. The servers are unavailable while they work on the issue. They expect downtime to last until 7 pm PST, but an extension is possible. Once the servers are up, they will queue players to rejoin slowly in order to not suffocate the servers as everyone hops back online.

Update (2:54 pm PST): Clan features and the Destiny API are being taken offline while Bungie investigates. Don’t be alarmed if you see your Clan removed in-game. This also means that external third-party apps will not work for the time being.

Update (1:05 pm PST): While players can now log in, Bungie says it is still investigating issues with Destiny servers and acknowledges that players logging in may still encounter errors for the time being.

Update (12: 45 pm PST): The servers are slowly coming back online. There appear to still be some issues with “contacting Destiny servers” while playing, but players can log into the game. Still no official all-clear from Bungie quite yet, so play at your own discretion. Server hiccups and other issues could still occur.

Update (10: 51 am PST): The servers are still down. Bungie is still working on it.

Original: With less than three weeks to go in the current season, Destiny 2 players were met with errors Friday morning that prevented them from logging into the game. Anyone who was already playing was booted to the menu screen. The Bungie Help Twitter account made a statement that they were aware of the issues and currently investigating. As of 8am Pacific, Bungie is still investigating and “making progress towards resolution.” The Destiny 2 servers are down on all platforms, including PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia.

The Destiny 2 servers will occasionally be brought down for scheduled maintenance, usually around reset times when new content is set to go live. This morning’s outage doesn’t appear to be the usual scheduled maintenance and has gone on far longer than the typical hour or so that typical maintenance windows last. Google Stadia joined the fray of platforms that you can play Destiny 2 on earlier this week, though it’s unlikely that has anything to do with today’s outage that’s impacting all platforms.

Destiny 2’s current Season of the Undying has just under three weeks remaining before Season of the Dawn kicks off on December 10. Players will need to finish up limited-time Triumphs, Seals, and Titles (namely the Undying Seal) before reset on that day. Aside from announcing some balance updates coming to the sandbox next season, Bungie hasn’t talked a lot about what will be changed, added, and removed with the next Season. As part of Destiny 2’s new “evolving world,” it makes sense that they don’t want to tip their hand too early, but players are wondering what to expect with the launch of a brand new Season.

We’ll be keeping an eye on the Bungie Help Twitter and Destiny 2 servers to update you when they come back up. For now, you’ll just have to settle with playing something else, though there are plenty of great games out there to fill the time.

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