Resident Evil 4 remake demo mercenaries mode

Resident Evil 4 Remake Demo Coming Soon, Mercenaries Mode Confirmed

At today’s State of Play, it was announced that a Resident Evil 4 remake demo is coming soon. Additionally, it’s confirmed that the game will feature the popular The Mercenaries mode.

Resident Evil 4 remake Mercenaries mode confirmed and special demo coming soon

The Mercenaries mode is excellent news when it comes to longevity for Resident Evil 4 remake. For those unfamiliar with The Mercenaries mode, it’s a fast-paced arcade-style game that challenges players to defeat as many enemies as possible within a set time limit. The mode features multiple characters to choose from, and each is equipped with unique abilities and weapons.

As for the demo, details are scarce, but we can expect it to provide a taste of the game’s updated graphics and gameplay mechanics Resident Evil 7 and Village both had demos that explored the world outside of the main game’s story. Since this is a “special” demo, we may see something like that. Alternatively, it could mean it’s timed, which will be incredibly frustrating and totally in character for Capcom.

The announcement of The Mercenaries mode and the upcoming demo for the Resident Evil 4 remake is great news for fans of the franchise. Be sure to keep an eye out for updates, and don’t miss your chance to try out the demo and experience the game’s new and improved features.