PS4 system software update

PS4 Update 11.52 Bemoaned by Hackers as Sony Continues to Plug Exploits

Sony quietly rolled out PS4 system update 11.52 on July 17, the patch notes for which reveal that the company is still combating exploits. Hackers reckon that given the console’s age, Sony should try to let things be, with those who have accidentally updated their firmware potentially having to wait years for another opportunity to jailbreak their consoles.

What does PS4 update 11.52 dated July 17, 2024 do?

The official patch notes for PS4’s latest firmware update are nearly identical to the last three updates:

  • We’ve improved the messages and usability on some screens.
  • We’ve made some security fixes to the system software.

We’re not sure what’s been improved on the messages and usability front, but the “security fixes” are Sony patching up vulnerabilities. Current PS4 jailbreak goes as far as firmware version 11.00, so anyone above that (11.02, 11.50, 11.52) is out of luck.

Forums and subreddits dedicated to hacking PS4 are chock full of people looking to purchase consoles with older firmware.

“Don’t update,” cautions PSXHax community. “Sony at it again with these useless updates,” responded one user. “Let’s just stop already and let the console be.”

Considering Sony is still plugging PS3 exploits, the likelihood of it giving up on the PS4 is nonexistent right now.

In related news, PS5 system update 24.05-09.60.00 rolled out today.