PS5 resume activity feature possibly gone for good

PS5’s ‘Resume Activity’ Feature Apparently Gone for Good

Following a recent PS5 system update, players noticed that the console’s ‘Resume Activity’ feature disappeared. We reported on this last month, but weren’t sure if the feature was pulled intentionally or became bugged. Following today’s update, it looks like Sony intended to remove the feature.

PS5 update changes how Activities work, but there’s no sign of ‘Resume Activity’

Update 24.07-10.20.00 is a relatively small one, but its main purpose is to improve Activities. I noticed quite a few players wondering if the update “fixed” the Resume Activity feature. Upon booting up my console, I noticed that the wording on the cards changed, and there was no longer an option to “resume” any activities. Sony has changed the language on the cards to “Play Game.”

Players could previously jump straight into the relevant portion of a game via the Activity Cards (hence, “resume”). Now, they can only cold boot. I wanted to be sure that I wasn’t the only one experiencing this, but folks across Reddit and ResetEra have confirmed the same, and YouTuber Mystic has a pretty helpful video that highlights the change in language.

Resume Activity was not PS5’s most popular feature, but it came in handy and was used by enough players for this discussion to take place in several online communities. Unfortunately, it looks like the feature has been pulled intentionally, and for good.

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