Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet PS5

New Naughty Dog Game Intergalactic Polarizes Fans

Naughty Dog finally unveiled its new game, Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, the reveal trailer for which has polarized fans. The game’s title was leaked earlier this year via a trademark application, but we didn’t know at the time which studio was working on the project. Turns out, it’s Naughty Dog’s Akira and Cowboy Bebop inspired space game.

What fans are saying about Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet

Some folks aren’t too keen on all the “product placements” in the reveal trailer, which include Porsche and Adidas among others. We can’t say for sure what’s going on here until we learn more about the game, but it’s possible that what looks like product placement is actually just part of the retro sci-fi theme.

Then, there are those who have expressed concerns that Intergalactic looks like a risky departure from Naughty Dog’s previous games. However, a lot of fans are pleased that the studio is making something new and different after a series of Uncharted and The Last of Us games. Frankly, I’m just glad we won’t be seeing another remaster anytime soon.

As for Intergalactic’s protagonist, Jordan, we’ve spotted quite a few unsavory comments that are best left to YouTube’s comments sections, but we’ve also seen some genuine concerns about how bland the character comes across in the reveal trailer.

Personally, I’m reserving judgment until I see more. What did our readers think of the trailer?