PS Plus game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

PSA: New PS Plus Game Comes With Years Old Game-Breaking Bug

Players trying out a new PS Plus February 2025 game have been left frustrated after being hit with a progression blocker that has been unresolved since launch. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is no stranger to bugs and glitches, but this one has players tearing their hair out.

How to avoid progression blocker in PS Plus game, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

The bug appears in The Singing Ruins where, under certain conditions, an in-game prompt disappears. Rolling back to an earlier save doesn’t necessarily work, and neither does restarting the game.

As pointed out by players on Reddit, about 30 hours into Jedi: Survivor, there’s a platforming section in The Singing Ruins, at the end of which players have to press a trigger that appears on a door. If your game somehow shuts down at that moment — say, due to a power cut or an error — the bug will be triggered and you’ll no longer be able press the trigger.

This bug was reported as far back as two years ago, according to this Reddit thread we’ve seen, which suggests that it’s been there since launch in April 2023. It’s unclear why Respawn Entertainment hasn’t fixed it since there are numerous threads about it on EA’s forum as well.

We advise players to switch to manual cloud saves when playing Jedi: Survivor, so your “good” save isn’t overriden.