As promised, Santa Monica Studio is giving all players a free PSN item to celebrate God of War‘s 20th anniversary. The special avatar, which is available in all regions now, is in addition to the God of War Ragnarok update that rolled out earlier today, giving all PS5 and PC players free cosmetics to mark the occasion.
God of War 20th anniversary free PSN avatar codes
Regional codes are as follows:
- Americas: F27X-L946-8PTH
- Europe: HMCJ-N3JM-4TT2
- Japan: 6F3K-RR8X-2KEM
- Korea: HRLN-L4AG-88GD
- Asia: 8RC3-DEFT-NJPC
For those new to PlayStation, simply head over to the PS Store and redeem your regional code. In order to use the avatar, follow these steps:
- Go to your profile
- Click Edit (you might be prompted to input password)
- Click on Avatar, and the newly redeemed avatar should appear in the top row
PS App
- Click on your profile picture/name on the top left
- Click Edit Profile (you might be prompted to input password)
- Click on Avatar, and the newly redeemed avatar should appear in the top row
The avatar doesn’t really look stellar, but we weren’t expecting much anyway.
That’s pretty much it for God of War’s 20th anniversary celebrations. Sadly, we didn’t get the long-rumored remasters of the original trilogy, but something is better than nothing.