1.5 Million PlayStation Move Controllers Set In European Motion

In just under one month, Sony’s PlayStation Move controller has already made a stunning impression upon the European market.  Its successful launch has bolstered sales to such a great start that production on the hand-held devices will need to be increased to keep up with the demand.

Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe’s Andrew House, told Bloomberg that they have seen “very significant sales” in Europe within just the first month, which puts the staggering figure around 1.5 million units.

“The initial sales response has been so far in excess of our initial plan that we’ll probably be looking at accelerating production.”

With these early statistics, motion-based gaming is anything but dead.  Now since the Move is showing such strong potential, perhaps we can expect to see more developers gain confidence in building quality Move titles.

Thanks to Sony’s success, we can start looking forward to more awesome commercials from our man, Kevin Butler.


PS (PlayStation) Portal system update
Sony quietly rolled out PS Portal system software update 4.0.1, which brings some unspecified performance improvements and good ol’ stability.…