Admit it, you were excited by the happy keyboard cat we partially showed you yesterday. But what about the full cat picture, alcoholic blobs or meme-tastic paintings? Read on!
We’ve got a whole bunch of sexy Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack wallpapers for your viewing pleasure, available below exclusively on PlayStation LifeStyle!
First off, here’s a shedload of hi-res PC/Mac wallpapers of different sizes to fit any screen. Simply click on the image to see it in full size, and right click to download:
Ok, so now your computer is all prettied up, how about that lovely phone of yours? There’s no need to fear, we’ve got you covered:
And finally, be sure to make your iPad look extra special:
Fun fact, if you’re attacked by a mutant blob and hold up your phone or iPad with one of the above wallpapers, it won’t eat you.*
Mutant Blobs Attack is out on the US PSN on February 21st for $7.99 and in Europe a day later, exclusively on the PlayStation Vita. To find out more about the games’ predecessor, be sure to enter our Tales From Space: About a Blob giveaway.
*Not true.