Amazon UK Listing Outs March Release for Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Special Edition Details

Thanks to a listing from online retailer Amazon UK, it looks like Ubisoft may be launching Splinter Cell: Blacklist at the end of March.

While Ubisoft Toronto has yet to announce a firm official release date for their upcoming stealth-action game, Amazon’s listing for the game fits nicely into the Spring 2013 window the developer provided last month. It is important to note however, that this date should be taken with a grain of salt, as the Amazon US listing has an April 1st release date, which is likely just a placeholder.

In addition to the alleged release date, the retailer also offers a few details about a Limited Edition, which comes in a snazzy steelbook and includes a conflict zone map and DLC, including:

  • Exclusive Upper Echelon operational suit (5 armour pieces, with a unique visual and damage protection bonus)
  • Upper Echelon goggles. Simply put, they shine gold
  • A bonus mission