Capcom Rumors Abound After Latest PS Blog Post

Written by Chris Rah Osiris
Capcom, please say it is so.
Capcom, please say it is so.

The latest Capcom post on the PS Blog has given life to several rumors on the Internet. John Diamonon has answered a great many questions that were raised by the last Bionic Commando post and even answered questions that were not Bionic Commando related. Below are the rumors and the responses that prompted them.

  • Dead Rising coming to the PS3

You haven’t seen the last of Dead Rising.

Don’t worry. We’re working on something for you US Monster Hunter fans.

Remember to check today for that Street Fighter info that was promised. It definitely looks like Capcom is showing the PS3 plenty of love these days. Well it is rumored that Capcom is anyway. 😉