Skylanders Franchise Passes $1.5 Billion, is the Most Successful Game in the US and Europe

In a clear attempt to steal any sort of thunder away from Disney Infinity and the fact that it sold 294,000 units in the United States during the month of August, Activision has come out and said that Skylanders Giants sold over 500,000 units in its first two weeks at retail, with the Skylanders franchise at more than $1.5 billion.

Since it was at $1 billion in February, this means it has added $500,000 in the last seven months, with Activision saying that the combined total of game, toys, and accessory sales for Skylanders make it the most successful game in the United States and Europe in terms of dollars earned.

Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision, had this to say:

We’ve accomplished this unmatched level of success by consistently delivering magic to our passionate, young fans. And the best is yet to come.

The next Skylanders title, Skylanders Swap Force, releases on current generation systems on October 13th in North America and October 18th in Europe, with a PS4 version out at console launch.

How much money have you spent on Skylanders merchandise? Let us know in the comments below.


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