PS4 is “Generally Much Quieter” Than PS3, Web Browser is Faster Than PS3’s; PS4 Offers More Control Over Notifications


Since there were a few pieces of interesting information revealed in the Mega PS4 FAQ that just didn’t seem to belong in any other post, we decided to put them all in bullet point form below:

  • While all PS4 games are compatible with Play as You Download on the PlayStation Store, “certain titles may not support it at launch.”
  • How much you need to download of a PS4 game before being able to play will vary from title to title, with an indicator on the download progress meter letting you know when you can start playing.
  • Only certain titles, such as Killzone: Shadow Fall, will allow you to choose which mode you want to download first, such as single player or multiplayer.
  • The PS4’s cooling system is “generally much quieter than the PS3.”
  • The PS4 features a stepless speed fan system that will smoothly increase the speed of the fans as needed.
  • The PS4’s user interface is called the PlayStation Dynamic Menu (PDM? Doesn’t roll off the tongue), replacing the PS3’s XMB.
  • As for Dynamic Themes on PS4, it will not support them “as they currently exist on the PS3.” Take that how you will.
  • Compared to PS3, you’ll have much more control over displayed notifications, including messages, friend requests, Trophies, download status and more while playing a game or watching a movie.
  • The PS4’s web browser is based on webkit technology and is faster and more compatible than the browser that comes with PS3.

How do you think Sony will implement themes on the PS4? Let us know in the comments below.

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