Shuhei Yoshida on Killzone: Shadow Fall: “The Best Killzone Ever for me”

One of the advantages in being the President of Sony Worldwide Studios is that you get to play a PlayStation 4 and all its games way before the rest of the world and, in Shuhei’s case, brag about it on Twitter.

After he noted how he’s beaten both Resogun and Knack (the latter took him about 10 hours, he doubts anyone at demo events has beat it on hard, and he’s started his hard playthrough), Shuhei recently revealed how he’s been playing the single player campaign of Killzone: Shadow Fall, which should last “well over” 10 hours.

In one of Shuhei’s first tweets about Shadow Fall, he said, “OMG,” which he then closely followed up by saying it is “the best Killzone ever for me.”

Is your copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall or Knack currently staring you in the face? Can you believe we’re just over 2 weeks away from launch in the US and Canada? Let us know in the comments below.

[Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]