Get $10 PSN Credit When You Buy a PS4 & 1 Year of PS+ at GameStop, Best Buy, or NewEgg in the US

As millions of people go to buy the PlayStation 4 on November 15th, Sony has partnered with GameStop, Best Buy, and NewEgg in the United States to offer a $10 PlayStation Store credit to day 1 purchasers.

Anyone who buys both a PlayStation 4 and a 1 year PlayStation Plus membership at those retailers will be given a $10 credit for the PS Store. If you do this in-store, the code will be printed on your receipt, while those of you who do it online will have the code emailed to them.

Remember, this is only valid on November 15th, so don’t delay!

As well, don’t forget that anyone who buys a PlayStation 4 in the US and Canada for a limited time will receive $10 PlayStation Store credit, 30 days of PlayStation Plus, and a 30-day free Music Unlimited service trial (Only for new subscribers to the Premium Plan).

Will you be buying some PlayStation Plus with your PS4 tomorrow? Let us know in the comments below.
