LittleBigWorkshop Members Test Out LBP’s Online Create Mode


With a big of a rocky start in the online arena at launch, the online create mode for LittleBigPlanet was delayed at launch–but for how long was yet to be determine. Fortunately, it looks as if Media Molecule is inching their way closer to a public release of the anticipated Online Create feature.

A post on the official Media Molecule blog was put up to inform active members of LittleBigWorkshop that certain beta testers for the online create mode were unable to receive their beta invites. The blog post goes on to instruct testers to allow notifications from Sony so they can get their beta keys via email.

To check if you have opted in:

  • On your PS3, go to the account management section under the Playstation Network menu option
  • Choose Account Information
  • Scroll down to Notification Preferences
  • Make sure both of the boxes in this menu have been checked

If you are a member of LittleBigWorkshop, it wouldn’t hurt to periodically check your email (the one used for your sign in ID on PSN) and keep notifications enabled on your account. Who knows? You might get into future beta tests like for MAG.

With the beta for the online create mode underway, it appears LittleBigPlanet fans are close to getting their eagerly anticipated, promised feature.
