PSLS’ Morning Wood Ep. 060: Octochan (Nobody Suspects a Thing)!

Welcome to another episode of Morning Wood. This week we talk Octodad and question whether or not Chandler is really an octopus (or pomeranian) in disguise. We also chat about the current state of the PS4 and the new generation, as well as where we would like to see things go from here. Wobble your tentacles over to the play button and enjoy this episode of Morning Wood.

Stuff we talked about:

  • Chandler’s Octodad: Dadliest Catch review and our recent livestream.
  • Get serenaded with Chandler’s rendition of the Octodad theme song.
  • We discuss the merits (and lack thereof) of console exclusive DLC and content on mutliplatform games.
  • What we expect and what we want now that the new generation of consoles has been out for six months.

Have you picked up Octodad? Are you worried that your significant other might be an animal in disguise? If you have questions or suggestions for future episodes, talk to us in the forums, email us at [email protected], and follow us on Twitter @FinchStrife and @Dyani. Thanks for watching and we’ll see you next week when you wake up with Morning Wood.