Frozen Synapse Prime Optimizes the PS Vita In Just a Few Weeks

The turn-based strategy action of Frozen Synapse Prime on PlayStation Vita is almost upon us, with Double Eleven announcing that it will be available on September 23 in North America and September 24 in Europe. A price was not announced because, as Double Eleven’s Gareth Wright said, “It’s something we are still finalizing.”

The game having been in development for nearly two years, Frozen Synapse Prime’s soundtrack will be available through the PlayStation Store (as a standalone or a bundle with the game), with the above trailer giving you a look at its gameplay.

If you’re unfamiliar with Frozen Synapse Prime, here’s the description:

Prime is an asynchronous, turn-based strategy game that allows players to take on multiple matches simultaneously. It also features a rich single-player campaign set within a dystopian future, where you take on the role of a tactician to a resistance group attempting to prevent an evil corporation from taking over a city.

Also, after someone brought up how they enjoyed Frozen Synapse on Steam, Wright replied:

Almost nothing is taken away from the original game. But tons of stuff is improved or expanded. We’ve worked very hard with the original developers, our friends, Mode7, as well as some of the best players in the Frozen Synapse community.

Future news updates for Prime will include further details on basic combat and planning, online multiplayer, and advanced tactics.

[Source: US PS Blog, EU PS Blog]