Destiny Xur Location and Items for February 13, 2015 Listed, Pre-Valentines Day Edition


Another weekend is upon us, and that means yet another Destiny Xur location and item post here on PlayStation LifeStyle.

If you’re one of the many people who’ve yet to get the Gjallarhorn rocket launcher, then you’re luck, as the item is now available and just in time if you’re planning to spend the weekend playing Destiny instead of with your significant other. Right, to clarify, Gjallarhorn is “available,” but as an upgrade. So feel free to pine away at it if you don’t have it yet. 

For this week, Xur – Agent of the Nine can be spotted at the Hunter’s Lounge. As always, you can check out Xur’s wares for the weekend in the gallery below.

In other Destiny news, it seems that part of the game’s upcoming expansion — House of Wolves — can be downloaded on Xbox Live. Also of note, Activision says Destiny is getting a “major content release” this fall, and has revealed that Bungie’s shooter has over 16 million users worldwide across all platforms.