PlayStation Store Sale Highlights – October 20-27 2015

Welcome to another installment of PlayStation LifeStyle’s PlayStation Store Sale Highlights, the video series where we cherry-pick the latest and greatest deals clamoring for your attention on Sony’s digital storefront each and every week.

Halloween is almost upon us, and to commemorate the occasion, Sony is cranking up the scare factor to 11. Yes, if you plan on sleeping with the lights on for the next week or so, stick with us as we cherry-pick The Creative Assembly’s excellent Alien: Isolation, the bold and rather brilliant DmC: Devil May Cry along with Double Fine’s Grim Fandango Remastered.

For more information on each title, you can head on over to PlayStation Store. Remember, all of these promotions will be valid right up until Tuesday, October 27 at 9am PT/12pm ET.

What do you think, then? Indeed do you believe there’s a glaring omission in our picks? If so, you can drop us a line at [email protected].

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Essential Reading: