No Man’s Sky PS4 Pre-Orders Begin on March 3 for $59.99, According to Sony


In the North American PlayStation Store Update post on the PlayStation Blog, they are listing No Man’s Sky for PlayStation 4 at a $59.99 price point. There’s also a link to the PlayStation Store, but it leads to an error at the moment as pre-orders aren’t expected until March 3.

Update: They’ve removed the listing on the Blog, but we’ve included the image above.

Last we heard, No Man’s Sky was expected to launch in June 2016 for PS4 and PC.

When Sony has more information on No Man’s Sky, we’ll let you know.

There was also an interesting listing on the European PlayStation Blog, as they said Max Payne would be the latest PlayStation 2 game on PlayStation 4 today. Since the blog post went live though, they’ve removed any mention of Max Payne.

What do you think of No Man’s Sky being priced at $59.99? Do you think this means it will get a retail release as well?

[Source: PS Blog (1), (2)]