Watch Dogs 2 Marcus Holloway

Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs 2 Teaser Is for a Sci-Fi Game Called Pioneer

Pioneer is the name (or codename) of Ubisoft’s space title originally teased via an in-game trailer found in Watch Dogs 2, but it’s already ran into development woes.

Citing sources close to production, Kotaku has unearthed a report that claims the mission in which Marcus Holloway infiltrates a mock video game publisher to steal a video game trailer is actually a clever — and ruddy meta — teaser for Pioneer. It’s now in the process of being “retooled,” according to the source, and may not be announced in 2017 as initially planned.

Per Kotaku:

“The project was supposed to be announced next year,” said one source, adding that Ubisoft had replaced many of the leads on Pioneer within the past few months. “That won’t happen now and Pioneer is now being ‘retooled.’”

“When they decided to make the easter egg in Watch Dogs 2 they didn’t know it was going to be like this so it’s a bit awkward,” said a second source.

Little is known about Pioneer, only that it’s pitched as some form of space exploration game. A leaked trailer found its way online just yesterday, mind you, and you can see it in motion here.

Ubisoft is yet to release an official statement on the matter, likely because the publisher has been busy responding to those users who found their PSN accounts were suspended after sharing images featuring NPC nudity.


[Source: Kotaku]