You may have just gotten a PS4 for the holidays, or maybe you’ve had one for a while. Whether you’re a single gamer, or a family full of controller jockeys, its important to have payment details set up correctly on your account, as well as knowing how to delete outdated payment options, and how to password protect checkout from the PlayStation Store. Being able to purchase digital games on the fly is nice, but not ending up with surprise charges for games your kids or guests have bought on your account is even better.
There are many ways to manage your payment options, from the PS4 itself, to the PlayStation App on your phone, and even through the PlayStation Store account management page in your browser. We will try to cover each of these somewhat, but we’ll mostly be focusing on the ease of doing everything right from your PS4.
Let’s start with setting up payment options, and then we’ll help you manage them and set up security measures.
Accessing the Payment Methods Management
- Go to [Settings] > [PlayStation Network/Account Settings] > [Account Information] > [Wallet] > [Payment Methods]. Alternatively you can access this page by going to [PlayStation Store] > [Menu] > [Payment Methods].
- You will be asked for your PSN password.
Adding/Editing/Deleting a Payment Method
You can use credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal to pay for items in the PlayStation Store. Things can either be bought outright, or you can use a card on file to top up funds in your PlayStation wallet. This second option might be good if you have kids and want to give them a games allowance without allowing them free use of your credit card.
- From the Payment Methods area, select [Add a Credit or Debit Card]. Enter details and confirm.
- To modify an existing card, select the card that you would like to edit.
- Select [Delete] to delete the card information or [Edit Card Information] to change the number or expiration date.
To use PayPal as a payment method:
- Go to [Settings] > [PlayStation Network] > [Account Information] > [Wallet] > [Add Funds].
- Select [PayPal], and enter an amount to add to your wallet.
- You can also add funds to your wallet using a debit or credit card at this same screen.
Note that in order to use PayPal, your PSN and PayPal accounts must be registered in the same country.
Setting a Default Payment Method
For quick and easy purchases, you can set one of your cards on file as a default payment method. This will allow you to purchase items from the PlayStation Store easily without having to re-enter card information.
- From the Payment Methods screen, select one of your saved cards or PayPal and select [Save as Default].
- When purchasing something from the store, you can select [Choose Payment Method] at checkout to pay with a different option. Your saved default method will still be saved for future purchases.
How to Require Password at Checkout
To prevent unauthorized purchases, you can require your PSN account password when anyone tries to checkout using your account. Keep in mind that this is your normal PSN password and not a separate passcode specifically for checkout.
- From the master PSN account go to [Settings] > [PlayStation Network] > [Account Information] > [Wallet] > [Purchase Settings].
- Select [Require Password at Checkout?] and select [Yes].
Note that this will not work for a sub account due to sub accounts not having their own wallets. Sub account users are never asked for their password upon purchase. For more information on limiting spending from a sub account, check how to set up PS4 parental controls.
You can access all of the same settings above through the PlayStation Store from your web browser. Simply log in, select [Account Settings] and you can edit payment information, require password, and manage your payment options. For more details and troubleshooting on payment methods on your PS4, see Sony’s full PS4 Payment Information help guide.
Essential Reading:
- Help Desk – PS4 Rest Mode Power Consumption Pros & Cons
- PSLS Help Desk – How to Create a PSN Account in Different Regions
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