Yakuza Kiwami Launch Vlog Goes Extreme, Localization AMA on Sept. 8th

To celebrate just how awesome Yakuza Kiwami release day on August 29th is going to be, the Yakuza team have released a vlog in which they prove that everything can be made better by doing it Kiwami-style. They also show off the Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook, managing to do all of this in just over a minute. It’s 68 seconds that you might just find are the best of your life, mostly because you spent them Kiwami-style.

In addition to the vlog, we got details on an upcoming Reddit AMA (ask me anything) with the localization team, Scott Strichart and Sam Mullen. The AMA will be hosted on r/PS4 at 12 PM PDT on September 8th and will offer a great look behind the scenes of the localization of the Yakuza series.

Want to spend more of your life Kiwami-style? You’ll want to head over to our Yakuza Kiwami review where Tyler Treese calls it a “triumphant success.”

“Beyond the gorgeous new coat of paint and enhanced gameplay, Kiwami also features many new story scenes. A lot of the additional ones are simple side-stories that help to flesh out the world of Yakuza, but many of them tie directly into the main storyline. In particular, Nishikiyama’s transformation from Kiryu’s best friend and brother in Yakuza 0 to a villainous traitor is handled much better.

“Not only is it leaps and bounds more playable than the PS2 original, the additional scenes help flesh out character motivations. This all makes the story of Kiryu’s rise feel more special, and it’s a perfect continuation for those who recently played Yakuza 0. The new bells and whistles make Yakuza Kiwami a worthwhile time no matter if you’ve played the original or not.”

In other Yakuza news, The Yakuza Kiwami release date hasn’t even rolled around yet, but we’ve already got a leak confirming Yakuza Kiwami 2. There aren’t many details at present, but it seems this remake of Yakuza 2 will run on the Yakuza 6 engine, and Japanese release date is set for the end of this year.

Don’t forget that Yakuza Kiwami will feature four weeks of free post-launch DLC,  and you can get some pretty cool bonuses if you decide to pre-order before the launch this Tuesday.

And if you found this news post boring, might I suggest reading it… Kiwami-style?