With the success of Fortnite currently taking over the world, many would think that Epic Games – the developers behind it – are putting their full power behind supporting the title. While that may be true for now, the founder of the studio is still adamant that the company isn’t going to become a one-game studio.
Speaking to Glixel about the success of the game, Epic founder Tim Sweeney confirmed that the “majority” of the 700-person team at Epic is working on managing the breakout success, and that the situation certainly isn’t the norm. “But it’s a fairly unusual situation. We shipped it with 25 people and now we’re responding to the reaction.” he said.
Sweeney did confirm, however, that he has no intentions of having Epic Games become a one-game studio, telling Glixel that the company has been around for 27 years and will “definitely” have different games they’ll be working on. As it stands, some parts of Epic are still working on games like Spyjinx and Battlebreakers, and there are still many employees working on the game engine that powers Fortnite and their other titles.
In other Fortnite news, a brand new limited-time Blitz mode is available in the game now. Here’s more on the limited time offering:
The new Blitz mode is live now for the next couple of days, and includes “lots of loot” and the promise of faster storms, meaning that zones will be closing around players a lot faster than they might be used to. The developers behind the game took to their site to detail thew new mode, but didn’t reveal exactly how long it would be around for.
According to Epic Games, the match length in Blitz will be a maximum of 15 minutes, meaning there’s going to be a lot of fighting going on and a very fast storm. The game will start with the storm already closing in on the island, and loot availability has been tweaked, meaning players will be finding a lot of great gear as they run from the storm.
Fortnite is available now.
[Source: Glixel]