far cry 5 pastor jerome

Far Cry 5’s Pastor Jerome Returns in Far Cry: New Dawn Gameplay Footage

Shortly after Far Cry: New Dawn’s The Game Awards 2018 reveal, Ubisoft announced the new release would feature familiar faces. One such character is reintroduced in new footage for Far Cry: New Dawn, Far Cry 5‘s Pastor Jerome Jeffries. In the six-minute alpha gameplay footage from IGN First, the player character is tasked with liberating the Pastor from an enemy convoy.

Check it out below:

New Dawn takes place 17 years after the events of Far Cry 5, so, sadly, Boomer has long since passed away. But, as evidenced by the footage above, Pastor Jerome is alive and doing relatively well. It seems his position will mimic his Far Cry 5 role, in that he wants to aid in restoring some semblance of order to a county of people in need. However, instead of slowly picking away at the power structure helmed by Joseph Seed, players will work with allies to dismantle the hold that Mickey and Lou have on Hope County.

Far Cry: New Dawn’s alpha footage also shows off plenty of action. To rescue Pastor Jerome, the player character barrels ahead in a vehicle, firing shots from a makeshift machine gun. Shortly thereafter, the player and Pastor Jerome hightail it to Rye and Daughter Aviation, which was Rye and Son Aviation in Far Cry 5, to liberate what has presumably become a safe house for folks combating Mickey and Lou.

Ubisoft has yet to detail the number of Far Cry 5 characters that will appear in New Dawn. Much of this information will likely be left for players to discover on their own, once the game launches early next year for the PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Far Cry fans will be able to return to Hope County when Far Cry: New Dawn launches on February 15, 2019.