control the foundation

Control’s The Foundation DLC Will See One Character Mysteriously Go Missing

Control’s first story expansion, The Foundation, arrives in a couple of weeks on March 26th. Until now, specific details have remained under wraps, though Remedy previously teased that Jesse will venture beneath the Oldest House to unseen areas. In doing so, she’ll help in restoring order to both The Foundation and The Board. Recently, Remedy released a new teaser, wherein voice over from Jesse suggests that Helen Marshall, Head of Operations, is missing.

See the first teaser for The Foundation in the following post:

In the teaser, it sounds as though Jesse is speaking with Security Chief Simon Arish. Jesse notes that Marshall’s been missing for quite some time. Simon explains he last saw her in Maintenance, after he’d led the Rangers out of something known as the Atlas. Despite the area’s being unsafe, Marshall proceeded on, telling Simon she had to “go check on something.”

Throughout Control, Jesse hears that Marshall’s random disappearances are the norm. She often leaves to roam about the Oldest House, offering no indication as to where she’s headed. However, one collectible note in the game hints that she sometimes sneaks off to the Black Rock Quarry. Clearly, that’s not her destination in The Foundation.

Both of Control’s story expansions will involve Jesse learning more about the Oldest House’s lengthy history. The second DLC, AWE, will allow players to explore another new locale known as the Investigations Sector. Details on it are also scarce, but it should launch sometime in mid-2020. The Season Pass featuring the two expansion packs is available to purchase now for $24.99.

Control is in stores for the PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One platforms. Since launch, a world of praise has been thrown its direction. In fact, it and Death Stranding are up for a record-breaking 11 nominations at this year’s BAFTA Games Awards, which will stream live on April 2nd.

[Source: Control on Twitter]