the last of us remastered sales

The Last of Us Remastered Update Drastically Reduced Load Times on the PS4

Yesterday, we reported that a number of PlayStation 4 games recently received updates presumably for support on the PlayStation 5. Patch notes for all of them are vague (the usual “bug fixes”) but we can now confirm that at least one of the games has had its load times reduced drastically. That game is Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us Remastered.

Twitch streamer Anthony Calabrese was one of the first to notice the change.

Words aren’t good enough to describe the difference so here’s a video courtesy of YouTuber ElAnalistaDeBits:

Social media users have since been asking why the load times weren’t reduced until now. While there’s no official word from Sony or Naughty Dog on the matter, one Twitter user seems to have a plausible explanation: Sony’s new compression algorithms, which we recently detailed.

Whatever the case, we can’t wait to see what the load times look like on the PS5!