Comes with four abilities.
Video (Page 124)
Continent of Europa plunged into another war.
Here's why you should try Alex.
Let's do this!
From Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting.
Learn how DICE tackled Faith's background story.
Comes with the April 7 update.
Dark Souls 3! Ratchet & Clank! Alienation! More!
Generous dose of video goodness!
Kept you waiting, huh?
Please, Ubisoft!
It's raining rockets.
Visual and performance-wise, both.
Video game demos may seem like a thing of the past, but that doesn’t mean they are completely gone. Sometimes,…
A PlayStation Studios job ad may be hinting at one of the PS5 exclusives set to release in the latter…
Last week, we reported that the PS Store received a helpful update in that it now has a separate category…
The newly released PS5 Pro improves a player’s gaming experience in a number of ways. It’s larger GPU, PlayStation Spectral…